Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November).įederal employees in the Washington, DC, area are entitled to a holiday on the day a President is inaugurated on January 20th (except as explained below) for each fourth year after 1965 (see 5 U.S.C. Columbus Day (Second Monday in October). Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19). Washington's Birthday (Third Monday in February). (See 5 CFR 340.401(b) the definitions of "holiday work," "regularly scheduled administrative workweek," and "tour of duty" in 5 CFR 550.103 and 5 CFR 550.131.) Designation of Holidays Holidays for Federal Employees Note 2: Employees with an intermittent work schedule are not entitled to paid holiday time off or holiday premium pay. 5545b are not entitled to paid holiday time off or holiday premium pay. 5545(c)(1) and firefighters who are covered by the special pay provisions of 5 U.S.C. Note 1: Employees who receive annual premium pay for standby duty under 5 U.S.C. This fact sheet applies to employees who are covered by the holiday and premium pay provisions in title 5, United States Code.
Most Federal employees are entitled to holiday premium pay when they are required to work during designated holiday hours.
6103(a)) or "in lieu of" holidays, as applicable Presidential Inauguration Day, where applicable (specific to the Washington, DC, area) and Federal holidays declared by Executive order, which are treated as holidays for pay and leave purposes. Designated holidays include official Federal holidays (5 U.S.C. Most Federal employees are entitled to paid holiday time off when excused from duty on a designated holiday. Fact Sheet: Federal Holidays - Work Schedules and Pay Introduction